Monday 18 June 2012

its mean... :L

Huh... that people really makes fun on me. I guess so.

You know, i dont really get that point when somebody asked me, "hey, you shouldn't do that, u dont even know what it is"

Oh well, its a bit disgusting when they tried to make you down. To be honest I don't really mind 'bout this. But... when I've started to do something, it is not so nice for you to make it complicated. You know, .. making some sense of failure, or something like, you don't believe me, that I can do it.

And.. and.. I don't really like it when you judge me from my first try. I mean, yea, the first try doesn't make any sense that i can't do that thing forever.  It's really mean and I don't really like it. Its kinda broke me up. Deep inside and turns me down for a long time. I don't really like it. Never.

I've tried to ease that feelings, for years but, it keeps invading me in from day to day. Creeps me out! 

And yeah.. I know,.. I'm old enough to be not so silly. But then, maybe its true that I can't do it. :(

I must be strong~!


na kau.. ba'inggiris sia walaupun nda ngam! 0h my tontolu...(na kan ko silap baca suda. tontolu be.. bukan y samting itu,,) sakap kutur sia hari ni, yahaha